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Healthy Aging and Connected Living

Cassie Campbell-Pascall
Cassie Campbell-Pascall

Healthy Aging and Connected Living unites communities and informs the public about the resources that can help improve aging Canadians’ quality of life, during these unprecedented times and beyond.

Can We Age Better in Canada? You Bet.

CanAge is a new seniors’ advocacy organization that educates, empowers, and mobilizes people on the issues that matter most to older Canadians.

Tips for Winning the Gold Medal in Healthy Aging

Team Canada’s two-time gold medal-winning hockey captain, Cassie Campbell-Pascall, on why she believes in raising awareness for healthy and active aging.

Staying Connected and Active as We Age

According to Active Aging Canada, the importance of staying socially connected and of having a sense of belonging in your community is vital to aging well.

Solving the Challenges of Social Isolation in Older Adults

Tapestry is countering social isolation by providing vibrant and thriving communities where seniors can lead highly-engaged and socially-connected lives.

Protecting Progress of Vaccination Throughout Life

Jane Barratt from the International Federation on Ageing explains why now is the time to end immunization inequity in Canada.

How to Manage Work and Caregiving During COVID-19

Debbie Franchuk shares 5 tips for working family caregivers who are looking for a little balance — and maybe even assistance — during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Heart to Home Meals Makes Independent Living Easier for Seniors

Heart to Home Meals makes it safer and easier for seniors to age in place by delivering healthy, diet-appropriate, and pre-cooked meals to their residences.

A Smart Way to Age Comfortably in the Home You Love

HomeEquity Bank’s CHIP Reverse Mortgage and CHIP Health allow Canadians over 55 to achieve financial freedom and live retirement their way.

Make the Best Choice for Your Body and the World

Read about how Natural Calm Canada has become the social enterprise that’s doing more to end world poverty than any other supplement company.

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